Communication | Leadership | Stewardship

Smart and Healthy Parishes

Our senior leadership team just wrapped up two intense days of review and planning for our parish, looking ahead to 2015. We worked with our friend, Patrick Lencioni. Pat is author of more than 10 best selling books all about best practices in business and leadership development. If you haven’t read any of his stuff, […]

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Leadership | Stewardship | What's new at Nativity


We have all heard it said that timing is everything. And when it comes to God’s timing, it’s perfect. In the Bible, the prophet Habakkuk understood that well. He speaks words of hope and inspiration to God’s people, amidst a period filled with daunting challenges. Despite the difficulties, Habakkuk sees God poised and ready to […]

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Scripture | Stewardship

The Vision Campaign

The prophet Habakkuk writes at a time when all seems lost in his generation. He complains to God because there is violence and corruption throughout his country of Judah. He is disillusioned as the good and righteous people have no power and authority while the evil rule over them and seem to triumph, and meanwhile […]

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Stewardship | Vision | What's new at Nativity

Vision and Sacrifice

We don’t like to sacrifice, we never do. But we do it all the time anyway mostly because of what is associated with it, or what is on the other side of it. That’s because sacrifice often brings reward. The most attractive sacrifice is about giving up something of smaller or lesser value for something […]

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Stewardship | Vision | What's new at Nativity

More Vision

Last week we kicked off our Vision Campaign. Vision is a new message series, but it is more than a message series too, it is a whole new season of life for our parish. We’re looking ahead to where God is blessing and where he wants us going. And as part of that process we’re […]

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Scripture | Stewardship

Christ the King & Stewardship

Every year we take one Sunday (and only one Sunday out of the whole year), to talk about giving to our local church. We talk about money regularly, because Jesus did. But we only talk about giving to this church once a year, we call it Stewardship Sunday. And it is all about remembering and […]

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Scripture | Stewardship


This weekend we are celebrating Stewardship Sunday all weekend long.  It is the one time of the year when we reflect on the financial stewardship of Church of the Nativity. We have been increasingly disciplined about this in recent years, eliminating fundraisers and other distractions from the giving God wants.  We talk about giving that […]

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Making Church Matter | Stewardship

Make church Matter

People are leaving the Catholic Church in droves. It’s an exodus that’s beginning to look like a stampede. You already know this from your circle of family and friends, I do from mine. But more than our antidotal experience a simple staggering fact tells the story.  Currently one in three Catholics have walked away from […]

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