Making Church Matter

5 Ways You May Be Limiting Your Church Growth

There are volumes of material out there analyzing what’s limiting church growth (and hastening church decline). It seems everyone has their theories: theologians, sociologists, the media. However, sometimes we focus too much outwardly, when the problem is much closer to home than maybe we’d like to admit. Here are just a few of the problems […]

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Evangelization | Making Church Matter

The Unchurched in Our Community

Here at Nativity we want to be a church unchurched people in our community want to attend. To do that, we need to understand them. Here are some characteristic of people who aren’t going to church in Timonium (with thanks to Pastor Carey Nieuwhof of Connexus Church):   They’re comfortable and successful and consider their […]

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Communication | Leadership

Three Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

I know, I know, the Church isn’t a business. But we can learn from them, especially successful entrepreneurs.  How often are we astounded by the “next big idea” and think to ourselves “how does someone come up with that?” There’s a tendency to assume that Silicon Valley is chock full of wunderkids operating on an […]

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10 Approaches of Growing Leaders

 As we always say here, everything rises or falls on leadership. Good leadership is a very conscious choice, that has to be made over and over again and constantly reflected on. Here are some attitudes and attributes I think good leaders need (in no particular order): 1.   Generosity Growing leaders share. They share their expertise, […]

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