Making Church Matter

“All-In” for Rebuilt 2020

September 12, 2019

One of the hardest things to do when beginning a parish rebuilding process is to imagine the vision clearly and concretely.  There are so many things that just can’t be grasped through the written word or digital channels.  The feel of a place when you walk in.  The warmth that comes from a gracious welcome.  The practical details of how a program works.  And, most importantly, the energy that comes from vibrant community and worship.

Conferences helped us see the vision when we began our own journey of rebuilding.  Experiencing Saddleback Church and North Point Church firsthand, among others, made concrete the vision we had read so much about.

And that’s why we host our own conference.  We want to open up our campus to share our vision, what we’ve learned and what we know works when it comes to leading and growing a healthy parish. 

Rebuilt 2020 is your opportunity to be inspired, equipped, and encouraged in the work of rebuilding your parish.  The conference will consist of four keynotes delivered by myself and my associate, Tom Corcoran, as well as Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS, and Jeff Henderson, Lead Pastor of Gwinnett Church of North Point Ministries, one of the fastest-growing churches in the country.  There will also be the opportunity to choose from dozens of breakout sessions, which we have totally revamped from our last conference in 2018.

What makes Rebuilt different?

It’s Offered by People Who Work in a Parish.

The conference is planned and executed entirely by Nativity staff members and member-ministers, not church consultants. We know what it means to be in the trenches of a Catholic parish day-in and day-out.  We understand the most current challenges of working in a local parish, and we want you to know you aren’t alone.  We want our conference to reflect that experience, not just book-knowledge.

It’s for Everyone.

This conference is for anyone who wants to make church matter at their local parish.  It’s not just for pastors, or catechists, or liturgists – everyone will benefit.  In fact, the best way to experience the conference is with your whole team.  That way, you can each go to separate breakouts and share what you learned with each other.  And, the best way to generate momentum while rebuilding is to get everyone on board.

It’s Got New Content.

While the principles of Rebuilt are unchanging, the application is always evolving.  This year, we’ve reworked all our breakout sessions to reflect what we’ve learned since the last conference.  Breakouts cover all areas of church life (sacramental prep, small groups, missions, kids and student ministry, money, music, you name it). Everything we talk about we actually do. It will be practical as well as inspiring.

It’s a Great Bargain.

Register early and enjoy deep discounts. Plan now and you can probably find great deals on Southwest to BWI and we are in the process of working out some group discounts at local hotels. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are included in the registration fee. All that means you really can bring your whole team.

Rebuilt 2020 will be transformative for your parish team and we can’t wait to see you there. Registration opens on Monday, September 16th at

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