Communication | Leadership

5 Leadership Characteristics

If you are leading a church, or anything really, it is a good idea to reflect on the characteristics you want to cultivate as a leader. Here are some I am thinking about currently, in no particular order.   #1 Authenticity Good, bad, right, wrong, successful or otherwise, whatever kind of leader you are going […]

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Being Wrong

I came across an interesting fact in Seth Godwin’s book, Poke The Box. In the Pike Place Market in Seattle, you can still find the first Starbucks. But, apparently if you were to visit there you might be surprised that it does not really match your neighborhood Starbucks. It’s different: different logo, different lay out, […]

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5 Signs of a Secure Leader

When you are leading an organization, a parish, a project, whatever, it is easy to be insecure. It is difficult to lead people from one place to another, speak publicly, be responsible for something and not have second thoughts about what you are doing or deciding. It is really difficult to hear criticism, or suspect […]

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Evangelization | Scripture

Five Habits of Evangelization

In Jesus’ own ministry had a plan for the specific places, and sometimes even the specific people he would share the Gospel with. This plan is outlined in 10th chapter of Luke.   At that time the Lord appointed seventy-two whom he sent ahead of him in pairs, to every town and place he intended […]

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Making Church Matter

5 Ways You May Be Limiting Your Church Growth

There are volumes of material out there analyzing what’s limiting church growth (and hastening church decline). It seems everyone has their theories: theologians, sociologists, the media. However, sometimes we focus too much outwardly, when the problem is much closer to home than maybe we’d like to admit. Here are just a few of the problems […]

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