
Summer Reading List

As the sun starts to shine brighter and the days get longer, there’s no better time to immerse yourself in a good book. Whether you’re lounging by the pool, relaxing at the beach, or enjoying a quiet afternoon in-doors, a summer reading list can provide the perfect escape. With a variety of themes to choose […]

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The Church in 2023

After three difficult years unlike any other in churchworld (and the world at large) we are all left wondering what the year ahead will bring. And as a pastor, my number one question is definitely what will the Church look like in 2023. I am no prophet or seer, I’m not always even clear on […]

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Let’s Be Honest About the Church Post-Pandemic

Here at Nativity, Easter was very encouraging in terms of attendance and engagement. The next two weeks were decidedly not. Nor, for that matter, has 2022 as a whole provided much confidence in terms of any semblance of a return to pre-COVID normal. This is true for churches everywhere: the current attendance figures suggest most […]

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Vision | What's new at Nativity

The Best of 2021

It has been a unique and, frankly, strange year that now comes to a close. And while the restrictions we faced this year were certainly less strict than those experienced in 2020, they certainly were challenging. Mandates and masks, pro-vaxers v. anti-vaxers created confusion and conflict. And from a staff point of view, there was […]

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Evangelization | Vision

An Investment in the Next Generation

The COVID ordeal of the last year has impacted us all in many ways and raised many concerns. One of the most widely shared concerns is the negative impact it’s having on our children and young people. School closures, sports cancelations, social distancing; everything else they’ve experienced, everything else that’s been taken away from them […]

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Leadership | Vision

Where Do We Start?

We can all warmly welcome 2021, even as we agree we are happy to see 2020 go. For all of us, each in our own way, it was a difficult year. We had the rapid shut down of our lives, constantly unsure of what else would be taken away, daily navigating work and school, family […]

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Making Church Matter | Vision

Stewardship Weekend

We usually say that “Kick-Off” weekend is the best weekend of the year, but “Stewardship” Weekend is a close second.  That’s right, one of our staff’s (and our parishioner’s) favorite weekends of the year is the weekend when we ask for money.  This coming weekend is Stewardship Weekend, the only weekend of the year that […]

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