Evangelization | Leadership | Making Church Matter

Stop Making Excuses

In our travels we meet lots and lots of parish leaders. We have talked to pastors, parish life directors, faith formation directors, youth ministers, parish administrators. They have come from every kind of parish in every kind of demographic. And because of the types of events we typically speak at, most all of the parishes […]

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Vision | What's new at Nativity

Vision Campaign Update

After several years of planning, in the spring of 2014 we announced plans for a new 1500 seat sanctuary. To finance the project we also at that time launched a campaign. Far from an old fashion fundraiser, the “Vision” campaign, as we came to call it, was presented as a spiritual exercise. No one was […]

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Making Church Matter | What's new at Nativity


Matter has mass and occupies volume. Our Catholic faith is grounded in matter: The Sacraments of the Church and the Incarnation of the Lord all rely on matter. Our parish churches are all about matter: people, buildings, a geographical location, and parish boundaries. Matter also refers to meaning and importance and is a value we […]

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