1. Our current attendance numbers have reached an unprecedented weekly average of 4,000. Two weeks ago we saw our largest weekend ever (that was not Easter or Christmas). In fact it was actually larger than some Easter and Christmas counts. All of our Masses now see over 500 in attendance, often between 10:30 and 11:00 on Sunday mornings there are over 1,000 people here. Each weekend hundreds of people freely choose to worship in a video venue or park off campus and walk to church to help accommodate those numbers.
2. In view of all our current growth, I am grateful that our Strategic Planning Team is moving forward with their work together with our architect, Levin Brown. It is very exciting to sit in on some of these discussions as we explore the options for better accommodating our parish with additional space. Hopefully we will be able to share more information and some solid ideas with all of you in the fall of this year.
3. Please pray for our book (back story for new readers, my associate Tom and I wrote a book). Specifically, pray for a publisher. We are currently trying to make our way through the maze of publishing, with some very hopeful signs (as well as discouraging ones). Please pray that God leads us to the right people, and we get this done. We want to share with other parishes, who are struggling these days, some of the things we have learned when it comes to parish life; simple things that they can do in their settings, things that really work. This book, modest though it may be, can help people.
4. Our current series on happiness is going well. This weekend is an especially important discussion on one of the most important rules for happy living: boundaries. Please don’t miss it, despite Super Bowl activities, and please share the message with a friend or family member who doesn’t have a church. And when you do, invite them to join us for LIVE! our live broadcast of the Liturgy of the Word portion of Mass, Sunday’s at 10:30am and 5:30pm. LIVE! is our best opportunity for outreach and evangelization, given our crowded campus, and it grows through your invitations.
5. Finally I want to recognize and thank our Small Group Leadership Team for organizing and hosting the small group “Launch” event this past week. It was simply incredible in terms of the numbers who showed up and the spirit and enthusiasm they brought to it. It was an exceptionally striking glimpse into where God is leading us. Thanks.