Leadership | Making Church Matter

Fear is no way to lead

From Michael Fear is something we have been talking about this Lent. The Bible says “fear no evil.” And yet we live in fear all the time. And we work in fear. Fear is a danger I face, especially in leading this Church. I know I am operating in fear when I don’t do the […]

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Leadership | Making Church Matter

Not Abidcating Leadership

From Tom I read a few articles over the last few days about the numbers of professed Christians shrinking in our country, down from 86 percent to 75 percent. The temptation for religious people and professionals is to begin blaming the people, that they just aren’t committed to God anymore. Or we can easily become […]

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Refuting Lies

From Tom After this weekend’s message I gathered a few Scripture quotes that refute some of the common lies of the enemy. These verses fight against lies that I often buy or the people I love are deceived by. Memorizing Scripture, implanting it in our hearts and minds is one way to defeat the enemy. […]

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Making Church Matter

Another weekend

From Michael Another weekend We put a big focus on the weekend, which only makes sense given the numbers. Last weekend nearly 4,000 people showed up for weekend Masses and children and student programs. That’s a lot of people for us and it takes a lot of planning to make their experience one that will […]

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Making Church Matter

God Trust Ministers

From Michael As we go along from season to season and project to project (I love projects) different ministries stand out as my favorites. Currently my very favorite ministry is a somewhat new ministry called “God Trust.” God Trust Ministers (GTMs) are men and women who are available after weekend services for help, encouragement, listening […]

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Since the weekend, I have continued to think about temptation. After watching the message again in our Monday meeting, I wrote in my notes “Know Thyself.” As the Pastor mentioned in the message, each of us has different temptations. We have temptations that are obvious to us, that we are “tempted” to just say are […]

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Making Church Matter

Reflections on small group sign up

This past weekend we made a big push for Small Groups. The major win was the lessons I learned. With Small Groups, I now realize how important it is to give clear direction and vision for group leaders because without clear direction leaders will do things that can be harmful to their group. For example, […]

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Sin enslaves

John 8:31-48 The passage today in our reading plan is taken from John’s Gospel. Reading it again, I am struck by how blatantly the Pharisees call Jesus a product of fornication. It is a reminder that Jesus suffered not only physically for us, but emotionally. He had to endure being criticized and misunderstood. The questions […]

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Monday Reflection

From Tom Each week in the message guide we have questions for reflection to help us go deeper into the message from the week and how it applies to our daily lives. I will try throughout this Lent to share my reflections. The questions today were taken from the Gospel passage we read yesterday and […]

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Making Church Matter


From Michael:This week is a week of beginnings: we are beginning our Lenten Small Groups program, new student and kids programs and…this blog. Both of us have been encouraged to take up “blogging,” but it was unclear who we wanted to write to and why. More recently, we decided that we wanted to write to […]

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