I am currently on vacation, please enjoy this vintage post.
By nativitypastor : June 28, 2009
As we gathered together with Parish staff and leadership last week we spent some time looking at things we’ve learned from others, especially the very best practices of some of the most successful Churches in America. As an exercise, and for purposes of our current discussion, we identified 7…obviously there are many more, but 7 seemed like a good place to start. We’re not claiming that we practice all these practices, but we recognize values here that are transferable.
Anyway, here’s our first 4:
Practice One:
The weekend experience is the engine that runs the Church and is the number one priority and weekly focus of the Church staff and lay ministers. The weekend message is central to the weekend experience and to the life of the Church. There is only one message every weekend, it is usually offered by the Pastor, because that’s his number one focus too. Music, message and the weekend ministers work together to create environments for adults, students, and kids that aim at being attractive to new comers and those far from God.
Practice Two:
Healthy Churches are filled with growing disciples. Small Groups are core to the organization, because they’re the intentional place where disciples continue to grow. Small Groups are also the place where new ministers are raised up, leaders emerge and future staff members are grown.
Practice Three:
Healthy Churches are growing Churches, which means they are constantly going to need more space. “Video Venues” are the easiest, fastest, most affordable way for Churches to expand their seating capacity.
Practice Four:
Successful, healthy Churches put effort into generously sharing what they learn and know and how they have become successful with other Churches