If you are leading a church, or anything really, it is a good idea to reflect on the characteristics you want to cultivate as a leader. Here are some I am thinking about currently, in no particular order.
#1 Authenticity
Good, bad, right, wrong, successful or otherwise, whatever kind of leader you are going to be you really must be authentic. Everybody would agree with that, but most all of us struggle with it, I know I do. Pastors and church leaders especially are put on pedestals they eventually fall from and held to higher standards that they inevitably can’t live up to. So just be a person who regularly acknowledges imperfection and, whenever needed, admits mistakes and asks forgiveness.
#2 Accountability
Along with authenticity, and to help out with maintaining it, a great characteristic to incorporate into your leadership development is accountability. This is having people, or a team of people whom you have given permission to speak truth into your life. They are on hand to help you answer the questions, “Are you doing what you said you were going to do?”
“Are you meeting your goals?” “Are you behaving properly?”
#3 Teachability
Sorry, I know it’s not even a word, but you get the reference. A leader is going to be a learner, and he or she is going to be about helping others on the team grow as learners too. This also creates an environment or culture which values ideas and sharing ideas and that is going to make the whole organization stronger.
#4 Vulnerability
A good leader is going to let his team know that he doesn’t know everything, he doesn’t have all the answers, he needs help. Vulnerability means its OK to acknowledge when you’re worried or upset, when you’re in need of prayers. Great leaders need others to succeed and they know it, and so do the people around them.
#5 Adaptability
This is a great quality for anyone in any situation to have, for a leader it is a tremendous asset, especially in our fast paced, fast changing times. Adaptability goes with teachability and needs to be cultivated over time. It is about a certain humility but it is more, it is part flexibility, part kindness, and part gentleness. Adaptability will make your organization and your leadership of your organization far more successful.
What qualities do you value in great leaders? For another take on this topic take a look at pastor and blogger Brad Bridges thoughts: bradbridges.net.