There is no doubt about it. Our Christmas services are my favorite of the whole year and this year is no different. I’m so looking forward to celebrating this extraordinary evening with all of you. I’m also incredibly thankful to the hundreds of volunteers who sacrificially serve and even take vacation time in an effort to make Christmas Eve so special.
If you would still like to help us out there are several things you can do.
Most of our ministry teams are now full (good going guys), but I learned yesterday from Maria Folsom-Kovarik (our Director of Adult Ministies) that there are still a few openings available that you can help fill. Just go to our web site, click “Ministry” then click “serve at the fairgrounds,” then chose the team and the time you prefer. Serving on Christmas Eve is a great way to celebrate Christmas, do it with your spouse or girl friend, do it as a family.
Here’s something else you can do: have courage, boldness, and creativity as you invite your unchurched friends and family members. Please, don’t come alone. Our Christmas Eve services provide you a unique opportunity to invite someone to hear about the hope that only Jesus can provide.
If you’re out of town you and your family can join us LIVE on line (maybe). We’re not really promoting the on-line broadcast this year because we’re not sure we can make it work this year. But it might, so if you’re traveling, give it a try and see. You can even share the service with family members your visiting. We will try and broadcast both the 4 and 5:45pm services.
Here’s one more thing you can do. Pray for the success of our event, for our ministers and our staff who are putting in overtime all this week. Pray for all the guests who will be joining us for the first time in a long time, or the first time ever. Pray that their hearts will be open to their Savior this Christmas.
Merry Christmas Father White
As a long time member of Nativity, this is the first year I have attended the Christmas Eve Service and I want to say it was a wonderful experience from the music to the Manger, from the decorated Cow Palace to the ease of parking and most of all to you for the moving Homily especially the part about your luck in getting on the TWA flight back in 1988 that was simply extraordinary and I’m thinking it probably was a life altering experience for you, as you referred to being saved. I’m so grateful for your luck because I can’t imagine our church/world without you. It makes me wonder what great things the people on the ill-fated flight might have gone on in life to accomplish.
I look forward to another year of worship at Nativity!
Father White,
We very much enjoyed your Christmas Eve mass. You mentioned almost getting on board a PanAm flight from Rome on December 21, 1988. As you know, some 250 people died on that flight, many of them stujdents like yourself, coming home for the holidays.
Becky flew for many years with PanAm, frequently aboard the same aircraft that went down at Lockerbie. Each PanAm aircraft had a name that appeared on the fuselage; that aircraft was called Sovereign of the Seas. Fortunately, Becky was not on that particular flight. We now reside in Timonium.