
Contact us at pastor@churchnativity.com to book or inquire into Father White and Tom Corcoran speaking at your conference or event.

Popular Presentations:

Make Church Matter

This presentation will include the Church of the Nativity’s story and offer three key strategies that drove the transformation of the parish. From this presentation leaders will learn practical ways to improve their parish.

Make the Message Matter

The homily or the “message” is a crucial part of the weekend experience. The message forms the congregation’s attitude towards Scripture and it is where unchurched people “get fed”. This session will explain how Nativity’s unique approach to the homily, how we organize into message series and offer ways to improve the message at your parish.

Don’t Rob God: A Message on Money and Stewardship 

Money is absolutely necessary to do ministry. We need money to fund programs, pay staff and simply turn on the lights. We need money yet many parishes are struggling to find the money they need to do ministry and make budget. In this session we will share the core principles and strategies we have used that has led to greatly increased giving at Church of the Nativity.

Moving Members From Consumers To Contributors 

The Church is a movement, which means moving members to take greater responsibility for their personal faith as well as the mission of the Church to make disciples. In this session we will look at how you can practically move people to contribute to the mission of the church.