Communication | Team Building

Unhealthy Church Culture

As we argued in Rebuilt one of the, if not the main problem in parishes today is culture. Culture is a system of beliefs that guide a community’s behaviors, shapes their priorities, and ultimately determines the allocation of resources. More than ever these days we hear culture discussed in the secular community, especially when it […]

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Communication | Leadership

5 Leadership Characteristics

If you are leading a church, or anything really, it is a good idea to reflect on the characteristics you want to cultivate as a leader. Here are some I am thinking about currently, in no particular order.   #1 Authenticity Good, bad, right, wrong, successful or otherwise, whatever kind of leader you are going […]

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Communication | Leadership

Three Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

I know, I know, the Church isn’t a business. But we can learn from them, especially successful entrepreneurs.  How often are we astounded by the “next big idea” and think to ourselves “how does someone come up with that?” There’s a tendency to assume that Silicon Valley is chock full of wunderkids operating on an […]

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