
Tis the Season

For most parishes, the holiday season is a busy one filled with lots of fun and faith filled events and traditions. It is definitely a beloved and beautiful time of year. But it is also a season of opportunity that can easily be missed amid the rush of these final days of the year. Consider […]

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Leadership | Stewardship

Trading Spaces

It has long been my contention that one of the easiest “wins” a parish can achieve comes in cleaning up public spaces, such as lobbies, nurseries, and the sanctuary. Clutter and dirt are the secret enemies of the church (link), diminishing the experience of your facility for parishioners and discouraging newcomers from engagement. There are […]

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An Annual Appeal

A “spiritual campaign” is about getting people moving in the same direction for a greater purpose. It’s about accomplishing something that we could not do on our own, or without intentional direction. A spiritual campaign is marked by focused attention that leads to growth and momentum. By the end of a spiritual campaign, members of […]

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Stewardship Season

Every year, around Thanksgiving, we celebrate stewardship here at Nativity.  Here’s the basic blueprint for what we do and why we do it. What Is It? Stewardship Weekend is an extended reflection and celebration of giving in our parish. Stewardship, when it comes to discipleship, also includes gifts of time and talent, but we talk […]

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How NOT to Ask for Money This Year

Many of the bitter fruits of the COVID crisis can be ignored, at least for a time. But unlike lower attendance, decreased engagement, and smaller reach, parishes can’t ignore the issue of money for long. Bills come due, staff salaries must be paid; maintenance cannot be deferred indefinitely. Giving is down in almost all parishes, […]

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Evangelization | Stewardship

Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries

As a part of our current message series on “Life with Family”, we’ve acknowledged that families come in many different shapes and sizes.  They are continuously changing as seasons of life unfold.  Even nuclear families change as kids get older, go off to college, and, eventually, leave the nest to start their own families. Increasingly, […]

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Giving and Thanks

Let us come before the LORD with thanksgiving. Psalm 95 This week we celebrated Stewardship Sunday, reflecting on the blessing our parish is to our members and in the life of the community. As part of the celebration, we invited members and “regulars” to make a financial commitment to the parish for 2020. And I […]

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