Making Church Matter

Reflections, Resolutions & Predictions on the Eve of 2011: Part II

December 30, 2010

This is the second of three posts for the end of the year, looking back on 2010 and ahead to 2011. Just some things I’m thinking about, significant and not. It’s more or less off the top of my head, definitely not comprehensive and in no particular order at all.

Yesterday I offered some reflections.  Today come resolutions.

For myself, 10 resolutions (and if you’re a regular here, you’ve heard most of this from me before, unfortunately):

  • Read more Scripture: specifically, read the whole Bible from cover to cover and then do it again/start journaling/schedule it all in so that it really happens
  • Exercise more/Be serious about being healthy
  • Eat better: specifically, take time every week to plan out my food for the whole week, not just make it up as I go along/drink more water less coffee/fast at least once in a while/fast from junk food all the time
  • Take one of the empty bedrooms in my house and turn it into a home study, as a place to be in my house other than in bed or in front of the TV/ read more there
  • Get rid of junk, downsize my collection of stuff
  • Make more effort to be with my family and friends/entertain in my house sometimes
  • Invest more in the people around me/learn from them too/spend more time visiting parishioners after Mass and in the cafe
  • Be on the look out for people I can help (and help them)
  • Finish the book
  • Blog more

For the parish, 10 resolutions in absolutely no order at all (and you’ve never heard these before):
  • Build a sidewalk through the woods between our driveway and Mars parking lot
  • Expand the resources available in the cafe, maybe create a new space for resources
  • Retool our staff meeting schedule
  • Reorganize “back stage” to work better for weekend ministers & weekday workers
  • Bring a delegation of church staff and parish leaders to Andy Stanley’s Drive conference this year
  • Host our first ever concert with Al Walsh and the House Band
  • Expand weekend capacity at Nativity
  • Expand capacity at the fairgrounds for Christmas Eve
  • More flatscreens

Tomorrow, stayed tuned for predictions for 2011.

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