If then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, I will hear them from heaven and heal the land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Last week, I began our new message series for the new year by highlighting the value in differentiating between our circle of concern and our sphere of influence. As a result of a 24-hour news cycle and social media, our circle of concern is huge and can include just about anything going on in the world. Our concerns might be well placed and totally understandable. But they are also sometimes frustrating because there is nothing we can practically do about many of them. Our sphere of influence is typically much smaller. These are the things over which we exercise control and authority.
Focusing too much thought on things we can’t influence tends to make us feel helpless, and even unhappy. But prioritizing our energy on the things that are closest to us, the things we can control, makes us healthier and more resilient.
Recent events have only heightened the chasm between the two. The heartbreaking events at the Capitol this past week layered on top of everything else that is going on in this country are at or near the center of our circle of concern. And rightly so.
But we would be wrong to think that they are totally beyond our sphere of influence. What has happened and whatever else that is yet to unfold, these events, these crises, are very much within our sphere of influence because we have the power to influence through the power of prayer. Our prayer has influence in the sight of heaven. God hears our prayer. God answers our prayer. Prayer can change circumstances and scenarios. Prayer can change hearts. Prayer can change us.
To that end we will be hosting a full day of prayer on Wednesday, January 20th, Inauguration Day, from 7am to 7pm here on our Ridgely Road campus. The church will be open for personal prayer and Eucharistic Adoration and I’m encouraging all who are able to make a visit, if only briefly.
We will offer this time in prayer:
- For peace and unity in our nation, remembering those who have been harmed or hurt and those who have died;
- For an end to the Covid-crisis, remembering the sick and suffering as well as the deceased and their families;
- Healing for the disenfranchised and the aggrieved, the marginalized, and the misunderstood;
- And for the peaceful transition of Presidential power.
We will pray that we always remember and never forget that this is one nation under God and Christ is King.
Day of Prayer
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
7am – 7pm
The church will be open for private prayer and Eucharistic Adoration. No reservations will be taken; social distancing and masks required. Seating will be limited to 25% capacity at all times.
7am & 5pm: The Rosary followed by Mass
For more information: visit our website.
Church of the Nativity | Twenty East Ridgely Road | Timonium Md.