It wasn’t so very long ago that your church’s front door was … your front door. It was how newcomers and visitors (and everyone else) came to you. The values held by growing churches were accessibility and hospitality, making sure those joining you could easily get in and feel welcome.
About a dozen years ago that changed, dramatically. Your website became your new front door. Everybody who was even considering visiting you was first checking you out online. Growing churches valued their websites and built them to be attractive and kept them up-to-date. A tired, out-of-date website was tantamount to a locked front door.
Of course, that is still true, but I will go even further. Your online weekend broadcast is probably the very first place visitors and newcomers are checking you out. Practically every church I know put their weekend Mass online during the pandemic, and hopefully most have been wise enough to stay online (because everybody you’re trying to reach is still on the internet).
And unlike a website which can be designed to make your church look like whatever you want it to look like, the broadcast doesn’t lie, for better or worse. But beyond an honest look, can your online experience attract return or even in-person visits? After spending a little bit of time recently visiting other churches’ broadcasts, a few thoughts occurred to me.
1) Using Technology
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Head to the brand new Rebuilt Parish Blog to hear about how an online presence can draw people back to church: