Discipleship Scripture

The Story of Your Life, Part II

January 14, 2013

We are in the second week of our new message series for the New Year. This week we’re talking about getting to know your story better.

It’s important to invest time in knowing your story, or get to know it better. If you do, I guarantee you will learn more, far more than you ever thought you would and you will be surprised by what you learn. Where does your story start, what happened to you? Ask the questions.

As you do, form that exercise into a conversation with God. And honestly share with him your emotions about those memories, because probably you do have emotions, perhaps deep seated ones.  Your emotions might be clearer than your memories, depending on your story.

Think about them and share them with God. Maybe:

  • You think about your parents and you are grateful God gave them to you.
  • You think about the neighborhood you lived in and the school you attended and they’re all good memories that make you smile and laugh
  • You think about your siblings and are so glad they’ve been with you on the road of your life.

But maybe you look back with other emotions, maybe you’ll feel frustration or anger or sadness. Maybe they’re confusing to you or distressing.

Did you know that God has insights into your story that you don’t, and you won’t without his help?  He can help you understand your story better.

And a good way to start tapping into those insights is sharing your feelings with him. Tell him how those memories feel…

Be honest with him about how you feel.

I feel sad

I feel mad

You can even say:

Why did you let that happen to me God

I’m angry with you

It’s OK, God can take it. He can handle it. For some of you, it would open up a wave of communication with God and transform your relationship with him.

As you do, as you explore the beginning of your story, remember, it is not the beginning of the story that’s most important. It is important, of course, because it sets the context, it establishes the theme, it matters a whole lot…but its not the most important part.

What is most important is not the beginning, it’s not the circumstances you found yourself in that determines everything, it’s how you react to those circumstances, it’s what you do, and then what you do after that.


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