What's new at Nativity

Book Titles

June 9, 2012

This is the final week before we deliver the book to the publisher on Friday.  And I thought it would be fun to give you, my loyal blog readers out there, a chance to help us out.

The working title of the book is “Make church Matter.”  The lower case “c” is intentional as a designation for parish church as opposed to “Church” as in Universal Church. The working sub title is “Growing Healthy Catholic Parishes.”

While we’re yet sure what we think the title should be we know what we want it to do.  It needs to be a little off beat, a little unexpected and little different.  It can even be edgy (just a little).  People should look at the title and say “Is this a Catholic book?” the same way they come to Nativity and ask, “Is this a Catholic church?”

The right title will definitely suggest that this book could be helpful to you if you’re interested in or concerned about the project of your parish.  Maybe even hinting that things are not going so well in most churches these says, and maybe we can do something about that.

We are open to suggestions and interested in your opinion.  You can vote on the side bar on the left hand of the blog. You can also post your own suggestions in the comment section below. We’ll be sure and let you know what we learn from you.

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  1. 1. Take God Out of Your Pocket
    (He’ll help to show the way)

    2. Give God the Wheel
    (They will come in droves)

    We just love you guys….; )

  2. How about “It’s All About the Weekend” or “Lost and Found: Making Church Matter to American Catholics” or “Our Search for Timonium Tim”…

  3. I think the main title is just right, but here are a few other quick thoughts on the approach:
    – think about making the entire main title in lower case, then use color to draw together the first two words “make church.” This draws attention to the final word “matter” which is so important. From this approach the last word can be read as a verb or a noun.
    – do non-Catholic faith communities refer to themselves as “parishes?” If not, maybe remove “Catholic” from the subtitle as it will be inferred by the reference to “parish”, or change it slightly:
    Growing Healthy Parishes
    Growing Healthy Faith Communities
    Brave New Parishes for a Small World

    Subtitles are important–I will probably post again on this one!

  4. “No Kneelers?”

    That was the first question I asked when I came to Nativity. Then I knew that this was going to be a new and different church experience for me. The kneelers (or their absence) was just the tip of the iceberg.

  5. Can’t wait to read this book! All the titles on the side look great.

    How about…
    If it ain’t broke… oh no, wait it is

    Or… as you’ve said in your blog…
    Is this a Catholic church?

    Go well!
    John D

  6. As far as titles for your book, “It doesn’t have to be like this”, or “Authentic church”, or “Church – Beyond our limiting beliefs”, or “Church – Beyond our imagination”, or “Church – Beyond our limits”. Whatever you choose, I love what you are doing over at Nativity. Keep up the great work in bring people to Christ, and lifting them up to be all that He intended them to be…
    Lou Santoni

  7. Why church doesn’t matter – and how to fix it.

    Does church matter today?

    Make church matter again! (implying that it currently doesn’t)

  8. “Revival within the shadows of a crisis –
    It can happen by MAKING CHURCH MATTER!”

    Congratulations on this effort and thank you for all the many great things you do!

  9. Thoughts
    “Even A Catholic church Can Grow,”

    “Working the Mission, Acting the Message and Singing the Music Matters”

  10. All good suggestions. Something a little more edgy, and if it’s not too late, would be just a big question mark on the front cover with the subtitle “What are we living for” and on the back cover a big exclamation point and the subtitle “GO”.

  11. Hello Father White,
    Recently I visited the Philippines and went to Boracay an Island in Aklan,Philippines.My daughter and I stayed at a resort and on our way back to the airport we shared a ride with two Bishops. There were five Bishops having a conference there that same time we were visiting.The one Bishop got off to the barber but the other one shared a ride with us in the van,then the motor boat on our way to Caticlan airport on our way back to Metro Manila.
    When I found out that he was clergy I grabbed the opportunity to tell him about your book..I told him that I belong to Church of Nativity Parish in Maryland north of Baltimore.I told him how difficult it is to focus on religion in this country with so many wordly distractions and C of N has helped me stay focused.I told him about small groups and that I belong to one and it helps each of us in facing the daily challenges of life.
    My last visit there was 1998 .Although the American bases are no longer there I see signs of American consumerism everywhere.In fact in one mall where we went to Trinoma mall they have three masses there on Sundays.
    I told the bishop as soon as your book is available I would send him a copy.I also mailed him a copy of the bulletin venti ,that I had brought with me and a copy of the guide for our small group that week.
    I will continue to send him copies of the bulletin to give him hopefully fresh ideas to share with his parishioners.

    His name is :
    Bishop Leopoldo C.Jancian
    Bishop’s House
    Bangued,Abra 2800

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