Evangelization | Making Church Matter | What's new at Nativity

Kick-Off Weekend, and Why September Matters For Your Church

This Sunday our parish celebrates our annual Kick-Off Weekend. While the Church’s liturgical year runs from Advent to Advent, most families plan their year, especially if kids are involved, from September to June. So we make this weekend- the weekend after Labor Day- a special celebration each year. Nothing is different liturgically, of course (it’s […]

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Communication | Leadership | Scripture | What's new at Nativity

The Ministry Values of Jesus- On Location at Saddleback’s Global PEACE Conference

I’m posting this week from California at Saddleback Church’s Global PEACE Conference. I’m here with Brian Crook, our Director of Missions at Nativity. It’s been an inspiring and thought-provoking experience. Pastor Rick Warren had the vision of bringing together pastors from countries around the world to share ideas and learn from one another how to […]

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Vision | What's new at Nativity

Groundbreaking- Part 3

This is the third and final installment of blogs dedicated to our groundbreaking events. Last week, I wrote about our formal dedication liturgy with the Most Rev. William Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore. It was a day of great rejoicing and perfect weather. We’re hoping for a repeat on weather. This weekend is our groundbreaking celebration. […]

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Vision | What's new at Nativity

Groundbreaking- Part 1

The good news of Jesus’ resurrection was groundbreaking. The Apostles and first generation disciples carried this news out into the world and made the Church a groundbreaking movement. They led with acts of mercy, healing, and preached a message of redemption from sin and life-change. Most of all, they made disciples. That’s what this weekend […]

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