What's new at Nativity

Last Chance

October 25, 2011

Friday we will be closing registration for our first ever conference: MATTER.  If you want to attend you need to register this week. Click here to do it now.

MATTER will be held on Saturday, November 5.  We’ll be taking a closer look at who we are, what we do and, more importantly, why we do what we do. I just attended a planning meeting yesterday, and it is going to be amazing, like nothing you’ve ever attended: fun, interesting and inspiring with great music too.  There are only a couple of dozen seats left so make sure you’re in one of them.  Join us.

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  1. Want to go but cannot find a link to register.. i must be missing something. can you send me any information? Thanks!

    1. Hi Matt,

      Under separate email we’ll forward the link to you. If you should have any trouble, please contact Kellie at 410-252-6080, ext. 114.

  2. I can’t find the link to online registration. Can I still register? phone numbers are 410.547.5373 and cell…443.994.9915


  3. Hello. I just called to ask if I could still come to the Matter conference. I serve as the pastoral associate to Bishop Mitch Rozanski in the Archdiocese of Baltimomre. My phone is 443-838-2820. If it is not too late I would appreciate thie opportunity to attend. Thank you

    Tom Little

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