Little more than a month from now (November 6 & 7) Church of the Nativity will be hosting our second ever Church Conference. It’s called Matter and I’ve been blogging about why you should attend (see previous post for reasons #1-3). Here are some more reasons to attend:
Reason #4
You should attend Matter because of what you’ll be hearing. Matter is all about leadership development in the local parish church community. In the context of the three general sessions, as well as all of our breakout sessions, we’ll ground the very best principles in the very best practices. You will walk away eager and equipped to lead your team at a whole new level of leadership.
Reason #5
You should attend Matter because of who you’ll be hearing. Our key note and closing sessions will be led by myself and my associate Tom Corcoran and I am already really excited about the themes we are going to be looking at, you will not want to miss them for sure. On Friday morning our main session will be given by one of the most gifted speakers in the country, and a good friend of ours, Patrick Lencioni. When Patrick isn’t advising successful organizations like Southwest Airlines he’s writing best selling books on leadership development and organizational health like The Advantage and Five Dysfunctions of a Team and once again this year he has agreed to be a part of our parish conference. If Pat’s session was the sum total of Matter that alone would be more than worth your time. Pat is also incredibly funny.
Besides the main sessions, each of our breakout sessions will be led by members of our parish staff, who represent a wide range of pastoral experience and insight which you can use. Our staff and volunteer ministry leaders will be on hand all day long to talk to you and your team and share what they’ve learned and what they know about what works in our parish.
Reason #6
You will have a blast. Last year’s conference was so much fun that I think I can safely say no one there wanted it to end. The music, the messages, the ministers create an almost irresistible environment everyone loves. And we have fun together, we enjoy our time together. Most of all probably it is the energy and excitement that comes from so many people in one place who love their parishes.
Matter will equip you with real practical stuff you can really use that really works. It will also inspire you in the incredibly important work you do in your parish.
Register today at