Easter was amazing here at Nativity. The Holy Week services were moving and uplifting; at the Vigil we baptized and confirmed 25 people into the faith, Easter Sunday saw thousands of people at our morning Masses (nobody actually took count, but there was a huge crowd), people graciously filled our video venues, parked off campus, took the shuttle, smiled, sang, and generally acted like people celebrating the resurrection. I am most proud of all those who served in ministry, they did an outstanding job. The music was great too.
The Second Sunday of Easter we welcomed about 50 new members to our Church community in our “Access Point” program. This program happens every month and people keep coming. I really enjoy meeting new members and hearing about their journey here. No hard data, but my anecdotal information is that most new members are not coming from other churches, they’re coming from no church or no real church commitment.
This past weekend we had dozens of people involved in “First Serve,” which is our program where people test drive a ministry before deciding what they want to commit to. I met First Servers working the Information Desk, Parking Ministry, Children’s Ministry and Ops. Everyone I met was enthusiastic and excited to be taking their next step in faith.
One thing that is so clear for me, especially in light of the last few weeks: if you want a reality check on the health of your Church take a look at whose joining and who is getting involved.