Making Church Matter

Guest Post: The Book: Stage Three

February 24, 2013


I love the story and life of Abraham. As we read in Genesis, although he is considered our father in faith, his faith is by no means perfect. At times he openly disobeys God. Other times he acts out of fear and cowardice. Another time, he tries to force things rather than wait for God to act. Despite Abraham’s failings, God remains faithful, leading Abraham through an amazing journey.

When Abraham leaves his homeland, he moves forward more out of desperation than faith. Abraham obeys God simply because he wants a son. And God meets Abraham in that desperation. By the end of the story, we see a man of total faith in God who is willing to sacrifice what is most dear to him because he trusts God and his word.

I love Abraham’s story because it is so imperfect and it gives me hope. My faith does not have to be perfect. God takes me where I am and will lead me to a greater and deeper trust in him. I love Abraham’s story because it is a reminder that our lives and our walk with God will always be filled with uncertainty. God leads us into uncertainty so that we will lean more on him.

I love the story of Abraham because it is a story I needed to hear right now. The book I wrote with my pastor (Rebuilt, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, In) is being released tomorrow. Recently people have asked me if I was excited about the release. And honestly I have been more nervous and scared than excited. That may sound surprising since the book is already written.

As we’ve learned,  the project of writing a book is really a three stage process, the writing part is only stage one. The second stage is looking for a publisher and working with an editor. A third stage is all about promoting the book.

We have now hit that third stage.

As I dug into why I felt nervous about the book’s release and the need to promote it, I realized I’m just scared of the uncertainty. I haven’t been here before. That fear and nervousness are exactly the place that God is calling me to put my faith and trust in him. As we promote the book, I need to move forward in faith, trusting God to supply what I lack and that he is in control.

How do you need to trust God right now? Do you need to move forward in faith by trusting him with some fear and anxieties? Or do you need to wait on God because he is preparing you for something bigger and better?

Tom Corcoran is Associate to the Pastor at Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Md., and co-author of Rebuilt released by Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, In. (February, 2013)


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  1. Hi Tom Rebuilt has already been a blessing to me. I use this verse from Philippians 4:6-7 as a mantra. “Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
    May God Bless you and your pastor. Thank you for having the courage to be a leader and for sharing your experience with those of us struggling to make church matter in our own parishes.

  2. This is awesome! Very uplifting and comforting blog!
    There has been a great change in my heart and my relationship with God mostly because of my church, blessed to say I belong to Nativity parish! Blessed to have a Pastor like you and your wonderful staff!

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