Leadership | Vision

Our Values: Hospitable

We are in the last week of a series of blog posts all about our values as a staff.  This week, hospitality. We define hospitality as “wow-ing” people with extraordinary service.  We want each guest who steps onto our campus to feel like every aspect of the experience was designed with them in mind.  Here […]

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Leadership | Vision

Our Values: Commitment

Some social commentators have derided the downfall of commitment in our society, especially among young people.  They point to lower rates of marriage (and higher rates of divorce) along with other social tendencies. In our fast-paced, ever-changing culture, remembering the value of commitment is increasingly important. We’re in the fifth week of a series of […]

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Leadership | Vision

Our Values: Excellence

Over the past few weeks we have been using this space to reflect on the values we rely on in serving our mission as a parish. This week “Excellence.” Excellence in the church can be hard to define.  Some parishioners measure the excellence of a homily by its length (the shorter the better).  Still others […]

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Making Church Matter | Vision

Our Values: Growth-Oriented

We are using this space these days to reflect on the values that we rely on in serving our mission as a parish. This week: “growth oriented.” Check out previous posts in this series: simple and adaptable. Automatic Growth vs Intentional Growth Growing churches come in basically two types. There are churches that are well […]

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Leadership | Vision

Our Values: Adaptable

Change is inevitable, even in the Church.  Technology moves at cyber speed, families are on the move more than ever before, and the culture around us seems to be more unrecognizable every day.  In the face of all this challenging change, it is especially important to be grounded in deliberate values.  That’s why we are […]

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Evangelization | Vision

What On Earth Am I Here For?

We are in the third week of our Lenten message series asking the basic question “Why?” “Why am I doing this?” “What am I here for?” Sometimes it can happen at a party when we don’t know many people or feel out of place, especially if you are an introvert like me. Or we step […]

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Leadership | Vision

5 Signs of a Great Staff Culture

We spent some time this week reflecting on our staff culture. Culture, as we write in Rebuilt, is the potent brew of what an organization believes, what it does, and how it operates. It encompasses traditions, values, norms, behaviors. Author and management consultant, Peter Drucker, writes simply: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”  It affects everything. […]

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Leadership | Vision

Vision: 3 Steps to Making It Stick

Painting a clear and compelling vision is key to any renewal. If you get your vision right, you will empower and equip your advocates, educate your bystanders and disarm your critics. Vision helps you start, maintain and continuously expand the growth of your parish. It helps you overcome supposedly insurmountable obstacles and will get you […]

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