Making Church Matter

God Trust Ministers

March 4, 2009

From Michael

As we go along from season to season and project to project (I love projects) different ministries stand out as my favorites. Currently my very favorite ministry is a somewhat new ministry called “God Trust.” God Trust Ministers (GTMs) are men and women who are available after weekend services for help, encouragement, listening and prayer (HELP) for anyone who would like someone to talk to. The idea originated a few seasons ago when we did a series called “God Trust” and we thought that if we were going to stir up a lot of emotions and reflections in the course of the weekend message then maybe we ought to have someplace for people to take it, and not just get them worked up and then send them back out to the parking lot. After that series, we always intended to restart the ministry but didn’t find the right opportunity until now.
I know this past weekend, several people approached me with pain on their faces, even tears in their eyes: a man who’d just lost a family member, a woman who was experiencing some stuff in life she really wasn’t understanding, another woman who just really needed to talk. Unfortunately I am not in a position to help, given my weekend schedule, but in each case I could introduce them to GTMs who could. GTMs are a special kind of person, and they can make a huge difference in the whole quality of our weekend environment.

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