This is the third post in a series to mark the end of the year. Yesterday I offered New Year resolutions for myself and for the parish. The day before, some reflections on 2010 and the amazing year that is passing.
Today, some predictions for 2011.
In 2011 more people will find themselves singing in church. Sometimes they’ll have fun doing it, sometimes they will find themselves deeply moved by the experience. What they will come to understand is that they are at a whole new level of worship.
In 2011 our high school program, which is great but underused, will explode in growth. Nativity will crack the code for doing successful high school youth ministry in a Catholic church setting. As more of our students begin to honor God and walk with him (not just come to church) they will have a dramatic impact on adults and kids.
In 2011 our web site will be expanded to a whole new level of service and usability, becoming something very different than it is right now. It will become an “on-line campus” where people are introduced to our church and get to know God in our on-line service, an easy an accessible place to invite friends.
In 2011 our staff will grow again, finally filling all the basic positions we need so that each of our major programs has a staff champion to lead it. They will be an incredible team of leaders and ministries will easily grow because people naturally want to work for them.
In 2011, we will identify a strategic partner to serve with locally in our own city of Baltimore. As individuals, families and small groups begin serving it will have an impact on our worship and our weekend experience.
In 2011 we will come to understand how we can really, effectively, help and assist other parishes and become a church community that is a teaching church as well as a community of learners.
In 2011 a critical core of parishioners will have a breakthrough experience of completely changing their minds about church; subsequently, they will see and understand the influence and leadership God wants them to assume for our community.
2011 is the year when decisions will be made, and steps we will be taken to set us off on the path God want us to walk, toward becoming the church community he wants us to be.
2011 will be a year of blessings for us.
Happy New Year!