What's new at Nativity


April 10, 2014

We wrapped up the final weekend of our Vision Series, though it is only just the beginning of the Vision Campaign. As we have been saying from the start, this series introduces a new season in the life of our church, which will continue for the next several years.

To anyone who has not had an opportunity to participate and make a commitment to the campaign, I invite you to do so now. If you don’t even know what this campaign is about or want to learn more check us out at nativityvision.tv.

Of course, the question at hand is how well did we do. That is a very good question. And right now the answer is, we actually don’t know. Seriously, we have been so overwhelmed with responses coming in these last few days that we are only now in the process of calculating and assessing outcomes. Our plan is to continue to invite everyone to participate this coming weekend, catching up with those who were not with us last weekend, and then making some kind of progress report the weekend following Easter. We don’t want to make that kind of announcement on Easter itself because of the large number of guests and visitors (talking about money at church would only reinforce a stereotype about church that unchurched people already show up with). So we’ll wait until the Sunday after Easter.

Meanwhile, suffice it to say that this is already a successful campaign. And as I say that, I also want to hasten to add my deep and abiding gratitude. It was clear throughout this series that there was enthusiasm and support for this project and this campaign, and that all came brimming over this past weekend as people approached the Altar to make their commitments. In fact, I would say that there was a spirit joy that was actually palpable. I have been involved in fundraising campaigns in the past and I have never had an experience like this experience. And I suppose that’s because this was never intended to be a fundraiser, we’re not raising funds we’re raising givers who are giving as a spiritual exercise.  Thus the joy.

Before we make any announcement at church I will be giving my faithful readers a preview sometime after Easter, so stay tuned. Meanwhile,

I can no other answer make,

but thanks and thanks, and ever thanks.

Shakespeare – Twelfth Night

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