From time to time, I like to give my faithful blog readers a little more information on what’s going on at our church behind the scenes and what is coming up. Here you go, in no particular order:
New Series
This weekend we begin a new series, “How to Be Rich.” It is a five-week message that takes us up till Thanksgiving. It’s not just about money, though we will be discussing money, it’s actually about living the rich full life God has in mind for us. And, with the holiday approaching, the series challenges us to live with an enriched sense of gratitude and appreciation for what we have been given. A new series also means wonderful new music from Rob and Al and their bands, and beautiful new graphics from Lucas (Busko, our Creative Director). They’ll be new kids and student series too.
“Matter” Conference
On Saturday, November 3 we are hosting our second ever, and hopefully annual, church conference, we’ve called “Matter” (because we want church to matter). This is a one-day (6 hour) look into what we do, and why we do it that way. It is meant for our church ministers and leaders, and anybody who potentially fits those categories. We are also welcoming guests and visitors from other parishes that want to learn more or go deeper in what we’re doing. Tom (Corcoran, my associate) and I will be presenting the opening and closing sessions, and then many of our staff members will be offering break out sessions of various aspects of parish life and mission. The day includes great music and powerful worship. We’ll enjoy lunch together and there will be some surprises too. But you have to register to join us (on our homepage or click the Matter logo at the top of the page) and there are only a few days left to do that.
Financial Learning Experience
As an opportunity to go deeper in our message series on Wednesday, November 7th comes a two-hour event that is all about taking your finances to the next level. Whether you just want to get out of debt or finance your dreams, this will be of interest to you (find out more and sign up on our web site). We offer this event, as we have offered others like it, to assist and empower people to change their lives in this series. Of course that is bottom line with every series we do.
Stewardship Sunday
The series ends the weekend before Thanksgiving with our annual celebration of the stewardship of our parish. This is the time when we ask parishioners to pledge their financial support to Nativity for the coming year. But we try to do it with some inspiration and fun and many people say it is one of their absolute favorite Sundays of the year. Also, I am under the impression that Chris (Wesley, our youth minister) has something up his sleeve for that weekend, I heard raucous gales of laughter coming from his office the other day and I’m pretty sure it didn’t have anything to do with adolescent catechesis.
Annual Business Meeting
Also on Stewardship Sunday our Financial Council will host our annual business meeting. At that time our budget for the previous year and the current year will be presented and council members and staff will be available to answer your questions. This meeting is offered as a sign of our transparency and accountability to our financial supporters. More information will be available on the web site.
Project Thanksgiving
Once again this year, we’ll be reaching out to our Baltimore community with Thanksgiving greetings and gifts. Watch for details in the weeks ahead. Brian (Crook, Missions Director) has put in place a few new details to facilitate the project this year which I think you’ll appreciate. Service opportunities will also be available for individuals, families, and small groups.
Strategic Planning
Our parish leaders continue to meet and work hard at discerning a way forward in the face of our tremendous growth in recent years. They look forward to sharing what they know and where they’re at with any of you who are interested at an information meeting we’re planning for Stewardship Sunday. More details to come, but consider attending, because we want you to know what we’re thinking and we want to know what you’re thinking.
Book News
We had an interesting and ultimately satisfying week, last week, as we dealt with book covers. As with everything in publishing, the cover is a collaborative effort that takes some negotiating. Eventually we got a “face” for the book everyone on the project, including Tom and I are happy with. I will be sharing the cover this week. Blog readers will get to see it first (of course).
Just wanted you to know.
Looking forward to it all!
Looking forward to the series on being rich and having gratitude. If it is as applicable as the last message series, it will be awesome! As I tell my children, as long as you are rich with love, that’s all the rich you need.
” Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” Cicero
Love, love the Cicero quote – in our fast moving – instant gratification society, the quote reminds us to slow down and be grateful and to feel blessed by the many workings of God in our everyday lives.
Thanks also,Father White, for keeping us abreast of all the many goings on in our Church community in the months ahead – looking forward to a sneak peek of the book cover..Is it a hard back book with a dust jacket ? Just curious !