Evangelization | Making Church Matter

The Unchurched

Recently, the Pew Research Center released an update to an ongoing study of religious identification and engagement among Americans.  The results should sound familiar at this point: an increase in the number of people identifying as unaffiliated with any particular religion, increasingly infrequent church attendance, and declining religiosity among younger generations. Data like this should […]

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Making Church Matter

“All-In” for Rebuilt 2020

One of the hardest things to do when beginning a parish rebuilding process is to imagine the vision clearly and concretely.  There are so many things that just can’t be grasped through the written word or digital channels.  The feel of a place when you walk in.  The warmth that comes from a gracious welcome.  […]

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Making Church Matter | Vision

Our Values: Growth-Oriented

We are using this space these days to reflect on the values that we rely on in serving our mission as a parish. This week: “growth oriented.” Check out previous posts in this series: simple and adaptable. Automatic Growth vs Intentional Growth Growing churches come in basically two types. There are churches that are well […]

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Evangelization | Making Church Matter

Saddleback Journal

Every year, my friend Pastor Rick Warren leads a fantastic conference at Saddleback Church on building healthy, purpose-driven churches.  I had the privilege of being a part of this year’s conference when Rick asked me to speak at the final session on “Leading Your Church Through Change.”  Tom, my associate, and I first came to […]

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