Well, there was a flurry of activity today in preparation for Christmas and most of it comes in basically two styles: the people who are at the Fairgrounds cleaning up, setting up and decorating and the people back here at the office basically preparing the program. This is a post mostly about the latter.
Maria, our Adult Ministry Director, spends days and weeks (I don’t really know how long, but it seems like a long time) carefully organizing the hundreds and hundreds of people it takes to make Christmas Eve happen. She also meets with her ministry leaders to decided who will do what, where everyone goes and how to handle the rather daunting logistics of dealing with so many people.
Lucas, our Creative Director, spends much of his time in his office plotting everything you will see on the screens (and everything that our on-line congregation will see), from videos, to live camera shots. It takes a long time and a lot of work to make it all look beautiful and simple. Lucas is also ultimately responsible for installation of screens, cameras, lighting and all the rest of the tech components as well as amassing all the necessary member minister to run tech.
Jeremy, our sound guy, is responsible for everything you hear. The live and recorded speakers and, of course, all the music, as well as how you hear them. On Christmas Eve we will have our house band, led by Al and Rob, with half a dozen musicians, as well as a choir and a not so small orchestra. Jeremy coordinates all the musicians, and all their needs. Jeremy also oversees music selection, which usually becomes a delicate negotiation among several parties (including me).
The program includes a presentation before both Masses that we are calling “Making Miracles” this year (but around the office we just call it the “pre-show.” This year the program was put together by Kristin, Chris and Brian, I have not seen it yet but am excited about what I know. New this year, we will be also offering a children’s “liturgy of the word,” which we’re calling “Jingle Jam.” We know that families want to be together on Christmas Eve, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t offer kids a meaningful message, and this program, under the direction of Lisa and Maggie, aims to do that. It already looks like it’s going to be delightful and your kids will love it.
Tomorrow, I will give you a preview of my part of the program…the message.
PS once more…
I have already noted in the daily countdown to Christmas, we really want to commemorate the victims of Newtown, Connecticut somehow in our celebration. And I asked for suggestions. Several have been received, good ones too.
If you have any ideas, let us know, you can post here or directly to my office: kcaddick@churchnativity.tv
Can we ring a bell for each of the victims or say their names? I think remembering them is beautiful tribute, especially at our mass, a mass for everyone.
I believe I saw some people at the memorial service wearing a purple ribbon (I think it was that color) and maybe making a large one, mounting it on something and surrounding it with the names of those who died that day.