I have been reading Pastor Andy Stanley’s new book, out this week, “Deep & Wide.” He says it’s a book about “creating churches unchurched people love to attend.” My kind of book about my kind of church. The only time the word “church” is used in the four Gospels comes in the Gospel of Matthew. […]
Category: Communication
This morning we had an all-call staff gathering to take a look at the new church year (2012-2013), which starts today. After Mass, we gathered for bagels and coffee and some great sharing all about the amazing time that is just ahead for us. Tom, my associate, gave an overview of what’s ahead for our […]
A couple of weeks ago I posted a blog about a friend of mine who felt like he was languishing in his parish: it was boring and bad and the pastor was sort of grumpy. He’s searched for another parish, but with no success. And then he ran across this incredibly vibrant and joyous church […]
On June 1st we posted a blog that generated more comments and questions than most. So much so, that I decided to return to the topic. The post looked at reasons churches don’t grow. There are reasons that churches don’t grow and it’s not just bad luck or bad karma or because of circumstances beyond […]
This past week I attended a church conference in North Carolina (with my associate Tom) keynoted by Pastor Perry Noble. Perry is pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the country so obviously he knows something about church growth and health. Perry has some strong opinions about the problems which are inhibiting church […]
The Church is God’s work and God’s handiwork. As people who work in church we need to turn to him and depend upon him and let him shape our work. Often in churchworld dependence on God can become either an excuse for not working hard or an excuse for downplaying the importance of our efforts. […]
This is week two of our current message series, taking a look at the Mass. Today we’re looking at the Liturgy of the Word (liturgy means work). At Mass we read the Scripture, but not in a linear way from Genesis to Revelation. Instead it comes in cycles, that are repeated every three years. Interestingly, […]
We are all set for the third week of our series all about the next generation, “Generation iY” as author Tim Elmore calls them: basically, people born in the last twenty years. This Sunday we also celebrate the Ascension; the Bible tells us that 40 days after his resurrection Jesus was taken up to heaven in […]
We are getting ready to celebrate the Second Sunday in Lent and the second week of our new message series, Catholic Atheist. I am really excited about the message this week, because its such an important topic. Prayer. How often do we say we believe in God and then fail to pray, how often do […]
You were bought at a price. 1 Corinthians 7.23 What is the value of the difficult people in your life? You might say, they have no value, they’re a liability. While they might feel like a liability, they definitely have value. Maybe its not value you have placed on them, but they have […]