What's new at Nativity

It’s Time

It’s Christmas time.  It’s finally here.  I drove over to the fairgrounds last night and as I pulled in I was wondering what was going on, the parking lot looked full.  It was our own volunteer ministry staff at work on the final preparations. The place looks great thanks to them.  This is our sixth Christmas […]

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What's new at Nativity

Christmas is Coming

Christmas at the Fairgrounds is only days away, and all of us here are getting pretty excited about it.  Our incredible Ops Team started moving in yesterday afternoon and should be finished set up by tomorrow.  Then the tech people start installing lights and video and then the musicians begin rehearsals.  On Thursday we are […]

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With Us

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel which means “God with us.” Matthew 1.22-23/Isaiah 7:7.14 Back in Christmas, 1943, Bing Crosby recorded the song, “I’ll be home for Christmas” and it soared to the top of the charts and became an instant Christmas classic.  That’s because Christmas, […]

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What's new at Nativity


Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4.4-5   Today is called “Gaudate” Sunday.  If you’re not Catholic, or even if you are, you probably don’t know about it. It is a real insider Catholic thing, but definitely a […]

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Advent II: Feel Some Hope

All of us want a great holiday this Christmas and oftentimes we go out and try to buy it or find it, or create it.  We want peace on earth, joy in our families, love in our heart.  We want it to be a great holiday filled with family and friends.  We would like it […]

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Advent I

 The hour has come for you to wake from your sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Romans 13.11 When we’re not engaged with the Lord at a relational level, its like we’re asleep.  Paul tells us to wake up, that this is the time to wake up.  This is […]

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We are celebrating Thanksgiving, so I am thinking of gratitude.  I am grateful for the gift of faith, and for a Savior who who continues to save me from myself and my sin. I am grateful to God for all his goodness to me in this last year, one that has been filled with abundant grace […]

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Making Church Matter | Stewardship

Raising Givers

Every year on the weekend before Thanksgiving we celebrate what we call “Stewardship Weekend.” It’s the one weekend of the year when we talk about giving here to this local church community.  We talk about money all the time, because Jesus did.  But we only talk about giving to Nativity once a year. We don’t […]

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